
Contributions are always welcome!

  • If you want to contribute features, bug fixes, etc, please take a look at our Code Style Guide below
  • Please report any issues and bugs that you encounter in Issues
  • As an open source project we are also interested in any projects and applications that use Mehrotra. Please let us know via email to:

Potentially Useful Contributions

Here are a list of current to-do's that would make awesome contributions:

Code Style Guide

The code in this repository follows the naming and style conventions of Julia Base with a few modifications. This style guide is heavily "inspired" by the guides of John Myles White, JuMP, and COSMO


  • Use one tab when indenting a new block (except module)

  • Use spaces between operators, except for ^, ', and :

  • Use single space after commas and semicolons

  • Don't use spaces around parentheses, or braces

Bad: f(x,y) = [5*sin(x+y);y'] Good: f(x, y) = [5 * sin(x + y); y']

  • Use spacing with keyword arguments

Bad: foo(x::Float; y::Integer = 1) Good: foo(x::Float; y::Integer=1)

  • Don't parenthesize conditions

Bad: if (a == b) Good: if a == b


  • Modules and Type names use capitilization and camel case, e.g. module LinearAlgebra, struct ConvexSets.
  • Functions are lowercase and use underscores to seperate words, e.g. has_key(x), is_valid(y).
  • Normal variables are lowercase and use underscores like functions, e.g. convex_set
  • Constants are uppercase, e.g. const MY_CONSTANT
  • Always append ! to names of functions that modify their arguments.
  • Function arguments that are mutated come first. Otherwise follow the rules layed out in Julia Base Argument ordering
  • Files are named like functions, e.g. my_new_file.jl


  • Use 1.0 instead of 1.