Sample Documentation

This page shows how to pull in the doc strings in your code.

The first thing to do is insert

CurrentModule = AlgamesDriving  # your package name here

which sets the module to your package so you don't have to prepend the methods with your package.

Pulling in some docstrings

First, let's pull in the docstrings for vec_add! and vec_sub!, which we can do using


This inserts the following into our markdown file:

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for vec_add!. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for vec_sub!. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Notice how in the vec_add! docstring we included both signatures in a single docstring, but vec_sub! had two separate docstrings. We can select only one of the docstrings by filtering with the input signature:


which inserts only one docstring,

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for vec_sub!(::VecPair). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Linking Docstrings

We can link to the docstring for vec_add! using the [vec_add!](@ref) syntax. Note the tick marks around the method, inside the square brackets. We can also do this inside the docstring themselves, like we do in the docstring for VecPair:

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for VecPair. Check Documenter's build log for details.

For illustration, we also show in this docstring how to include $\LaTeX$ math inside the docstring. For reference, we've copied the raw docstring below:


Holds two vectors of the same length and type.

The vectors can be retrieved using `v.a` and `v.b` or `v[1]` and `v[2]`.
Supports [`vec_add!`](@ref) and [`vec_sub!`](@ref).

Here is some ``\\LaTeX`` for you:

math \sum{i=1}^N xk^T Qk xk

# Constructors
    VecPair(a::V, b::V)
    VecPair(a::StaticVector, b::StaticVector)
